"Only an Aunt can give hugs like a mother,
can keep secrets like a sister,
and share love like a friend"
Hey I just found this beautiful Spanish proverb at Sis Zabrina's blog.
I love it! simply because I felt different whenever I'm around Faheem. Its something I can't describe. Even he is not my child, I think I cared for him more than I cared for myself. Maybe this is how mothers feel about their child. Ok maybe mine is not that hundred-percent-pure-love, maybe not even half the feelings, but I think it surely can be felt by mostly all aunts - feeling of a mother. I never wanted to see him cry, I'm freaked out even to imagine that he falls down etc etc, and I just love the way he hugs me tightly when he's afraid of the dark like I'm he's super savior at that time. To think that he felt safe around me just make me happy. Awkward isn't it? Little feelings that catches the heart! Subhanallah for He who created such a great feelings!
Faheem, having u around just make me more excited of being a mother. InsyaAllah, one day, if Allah wills. Be a good son dear. Be a good grandchild. Be a good nephew. Most importantly, be a good Servant of Allah. Aunty Abby loves u. <3

budak manja~ :P
p/s: berdoa semoga satu hari nanti Allah akan memuliakan rahimku dengan zuriat yang soleh dan solehah. *amin* :)
p/s lagi: Salam Ramadhan semua! Ayuh buat yang lebih baik dari tahun lepas. Faheem kalau puasa boleh le dapat duit raya. hihi.