running in the rain
so you won't see me cry
hiding behind the shadow
so i don't feel so hollow
i heard that voice
the voice i longed to hear back then
over and over again
till i could feel the pain
it repeats in my mind
makes me stumped
strike me out right
there it reminds me of me
of a younger me
someone i left for years
someone who left me for years
someone whose happy without me
someone whom i gloom without

~raindrops keep falling on my head~
i have a past. everyone does. but there's a part of my past that if i could bring it to the future, i would never be grateful enough.
hey you who left me in this sorrow, come back to me. i won't be mad. i promise.
p/s: i used to love writing poem. i still do now. believe it? or not? ^_^