Monday 18 February 2008

the day i'd been tagged

this time its "8 random facts about myself".. as usual, it is from mi bestie Mai.. so, these were the rules..

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

so heres 8 random facts about me which has been written in my book of fate since the day i started to breathe :

1. i cannot pronounce the letter 'R' properly. but its not that 'pekat', only the one yang peka saja boleh notice. some even said that my Malay pronounciation is a bit mixed up with English slang.thats is so not true.

2. i don't eat chilli sauce.

3. i still print out my lecture notes even if i had copied it during class. the reason is i hate my own handwriting.

4. I'm a bit outdated when it comes to international music and artists. i don't put the courage to remember their names, faces and what album they have produced. only some friends keep me updated.

5. I'm a homely type person. u can ask me out when I'm in my campus but not when I'm at home. maybe I'm the kind of child who usually think how lonely your parents is when their children are not around.

6. saya suka basuh, sidai and keringkan baju. tapi saya tak suka lipat baju. :D but i have to lah kan.

7. I don't talk too much as I think. I'll get a headache if I do so.

8. Walaupun saya tak banyak cakap, my close friends mesti someone yang kuat bercakap. Biasa la tu, complement each other la kan. Kalau semua bercakap sapa pulak nak dengar ye dok?

Orait. Cik Mai, if you read this, I've settled down your first tagging. Coming up next, the easier one. hehe.

owh. taktau la nak tag sapa. biar je la erk. :D

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