Tuesday 5 February 2008

.sense of healing.


the disease I've been having for the past 4 years (almost) are showing some improvement. i guess its gonna heal in one or two weeks time. it was healed once in 2005 i guess but it appeared again few months after that. at that time, i'm giving up my medication for a while. on and off. until last few weeks, i took up the med again since i can't stand it anymore. maybe its part of my new year's resolution.. to totally get rid of this 'penyakit'.

even this disease seems to have an end, i never know when will i cure my other illness i kept with me since i was in standard 6. nemind, i'll cure it one at a time.

p/s: is there anyone here with 'O' blood type group? need some help here..


Anonymous said...

beb,u've been tagged~ by me,teheehee.
sile rujuk to my blog.
and btw,ko sakit ape?

CONNIE said...

aku group O ! and rh positive.