Thursday, 24 February 2011
rebutlah [update]
Thursday, 17 February 2011
4th year

dengar ni cikgu nak ajar
That's right! Scratching the top of a CD (the screen printed side) can be damaging to the integrity of the CD. Most people try to avoid scratches and blemishes from occurring on the bottom side of the CD. But in reality, the top is the more vulnerable side.
Here's how it works: When a CD is manufactured plastic is formed through a injection molding process that creates tiny pits and lands which make up the data on the media.
Once the plastic CD has been molded a layer of metallic and lacquer is applied to the top side in order to protect the data which is imbedded close to the top of the CD. Scratches and blemishes can penetrate the thin metallic and lacquer coatings and potentially damage the media.
sumber :
ok, ada paham sekarang? hehe. don't worry aku pun baru tau benda ni. never too late to learn right? aku rasa boss aku yang memang pure blaja IT pun taktau benda ni. hehe.
so, sekian saja pelajaran kita hari ini. lain kali kalau ada benda2 best lagi, aku share lagi kat sini ek.
p/s: walaupun aku tau korang banyak dah guna pendrive, hard disk etc., aku rasa untuk work purpose, untuk simpan data permanently, baik guna CD, murah pun murah. ;D
Monday, 14 February 2011